一天,集市上 来了 一个 卖梨的 人。他的 梨又香又大,不过 要价 也 非常高。几个 馋嘴的人 买了 尝尝,真甜呀! 只是 太贵了!
One day, a man
was selling pears at the market. His pears were very big and smelled very good,
with a high priced label. Several gluttonous people bought and tasted some. The
pears were so sweet, but too expensive!
快到 中午的 时候, 一个 头发 花白、衣衫破烂的 老道士 来到 卖梨人的 面前。
When it was close
to noon, an old Taoist went to the man’s pear booth. His hair was almost all
white. His clothes were ragged.
他 气喘吁吁地 对 卖梨人 说:“可否 给我 一个梨?我 走了 很远的 路,天气 太热,我 又饿又渴。”卖梨人 白了 老道士 一眼,说道:“我的梨 是用来 换钱的,没有 白送的。”
He talked to the
pear seller, gasping, “May I have a pear? I’ve walked a long way in the hot
day. Now I am hungry and thirsty.” The pear seller told the old Taoist with a
supercilious look, “My pears are for money, not for charity.”
老道士 失望地 走开了,在 附近的 茶馆 旁边 找了一处 荫凉的 地方 坐下来 休息。
The old Taoist
walked away, disappointed. He found shade beside a teahouse and sat down to
have some rest.
茶馆里 有一个 好心肠的 伙计,看到了 刚才 发生的 一切。他 很同情 老道士,于是 从 自己的 口袋里 掏出 钱 来,买了 一个梨,送给 了 老道士。
A warmhearted
waiter of the teahouse saw what happened to the old Taoist. He felt great
sympathy for the old man. The waiter bought a pear with his own money and gave
it to the old Taoist.
老道士 谢过了 伙计,转眼就 吃光了 梨。他 微笑着 对伙计 说:“ 请你 再给我 一壶 茶水 可以吗?” 伙计 很快 提了 一壶 茶水 给 老道士。
The old Taoist
thanked to the waiter and ate up the pear in a blink of an eye. He smiled and
asked the waiter, “May I have a kettle of tea?” Soon the waiter came back with
a kettle of tea, and he gave it to the old Taoist.
老道士 用 他的 佩剑 在 地上 挖了 一个 小坑,把 梨核 放了 进去,盖好土 后 再 浇上了 茶水。
The old Taoist
dug a small pit on the ground with his sword, and then he put the pear core
into the pit, covered the pit with dirt, and poured the tea onto it.
周围的 人 都 觉得 好奇,不知道 老道士 要 做什么,于是 围了 过来。
The people who
were passing by felt very curious. They wondered what the old Taoist was doing.
So they came closer and surrounded him.
老道士 笑眯眯地 对众人 说:“ 今天 天气 太热了,我 又饿 又渴。这个 好心的 小伙子 请我 吃了 香甜的 梨。我 也 回请 大家 吃梨!”
The old Taoist
talked to the crowd with a smiling face, “It’s so hot today. I felt hungry and
thirsty. This warm-hearted young man bought a delicious pear for me. Now I am
going to invite everyone to share pear with me!”
众人 更好奇 了,围观的人 越来越多。连 那个 卖梨人 也走了 过来,伸长了 脖子,想 看个 究竟。
All the people in
the crowd got so curious that more and more people were attracted to join the
crowd. Even the pear seller came over with his neck stretched to see what was
going on there.
奇怪的 事情 发生了。在 埋梨核的 地方 有 一个 嫩绿的 小芽 探出了 头,又以 惊人地 速度 长出了 新的 丫枝 和 绿叶,转眼间 就 长成了 一棵 大大的 梨树。
A strange thing
happened. A tiny fresh green sprout appeared right above the ground where the
pear core was buried. At amazing speed, the sprout grew into new branches and
leaves, and became a big pear tree in a blink of an eye.
在 众人惊奇的 目光里,梨树 开始 开花,引来了 无数 蜜蜂 和 蝴蝶。一个个 诱人的 梨 很快 就 挂在了 枝头。
To the crowd’s
surprised eyes, the pear tree started blooming, attracting hundreds of bees and
butterflies. Soon lots of beautiful pears were hanging on the branches.
老道士 对 围观的 人们 说:“ 大家 都过来 吃梨呀!”众人 惊喜 万分,一拥 而上,抢着 去摘 树上的 梨。
The old Taoist
told the crowd, “Help yourself everyone!” All the people got excited. They
rushed to the tree, trying to get the pears as quickly as possible.
每个 吃到梨的人 都 大声地 赞叹:“太好吃了!” 那个 卖梨人 看呆了,瞪大了 眼睛,完全 忘了 他的梨。
Everyone who tasted
a pear was thrilled, “It’s so delicious!” The pear seller was astonished. His eyes became wide, and he totally forgot
his pear booth.
树上的梨 很快 就被 众人 摘完了。老道士 用 他的 佩剑 将 梨树 砍倒,扛在 肩上,快步 如飞,一转眼 就 消失了 踪迹。
Soon all the
pears on the tree were harvested by the people. The old Taoist cut down the tree
with his sword, carried it on his shoulder and walked at a flying speed,
disappearing in a flash.
卖梨人 这才 回过神来,想起了 他的梨。转身 回到 他卖梨的 摊位,他的 眼睛 瞪得 比 刚才 还要大。
Now the pear
seller woke up and thought about his pear booth. When he walked back to his
pear booth, his eyes became wider than before.
你猜猜,发生了 什么 事情?整整 一车梨 不知 去向,装梨的 推车 还少了 一个 车把。这下 他明白了,众人 分享的 梨 原来 都是 他的,那梨树 就是 他的 车把 变的。
Guess what
happened? No pear was left in the cart, and one of the cart handles was gone
too. Now he understood that all the pears that the people had enjoyed were his,
and that pear tree was actually transformed from his cart handle.
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