Friday, June 26, 2015

A Little boy learning fishing


A little boy learning fishing

((táng)) (zuò) (zhě):() (lìng) (néng)
(Tang Dynasty) Author:  Hu Lingneng

Wearing such a tangled hair, a little boy is learning how to fish.

Almost hiding in the grass, he sits casually on the shore covered by moss.

Seeing a person is coming close to ask for direction, he gestures to him to be quiet .


Because he worries that his fish may be scared away.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Splendid Evening -- a Chinese Listening Practice

One day, I had a very dramatic evening. The drama was about the weather. So I wrote a short passage to tell you what happened. And here comes a listening practice for you, my dear Chinese learners. Let's see how much you can understand. ;-P

The following video will show you the Chinese caption. It will help you check your listening practice.

Hope you've done a great job!  :)

Now I put all the text and explanation of the text here:


A Splendid Evening


This afternoon, on my way home, I noticed that the clouds looked like castles growing higher and higher in the sky. They were so gorgeous.


After supper, very quickly, it became darker and darker outside. The thunders could be heard rolling and rumbling above. I looked out of the window. Pushed by the wind, the rain were running in every direction.

3: 西北面的天如同古典的油画,黑压压的乌云几乎覆盖了整个天空,西沉的阳光及时地为它们镶上了金边。

The sky in the northwest looked like a classic oil painting. Dark clouds almost covered the entire sky. Right in time, the setting sun decorated the clouds with inlaid golden edges.

4: 再向东边的天空望去,快看!一道彩虹正在向我问好。哦,多么精彩的一个傍晚!

Look! Look at the eastern sky! A rainbow was greeting me. Oh! What a splendid evening!


精彩的 jīngcǎi de : splendid

傍晚 bàngwǎn : evening, dusk

下午 xiàwǔ : afternoon

回家 huíjiā : back home

路上lùshang : on the road

偶然 ǒurán : by chance , randomly, occasionally

注意 zhùyì : notice

天空tiānkōng : sky

云朵yúnduǒ : cloud

如同 rútóng : just like, the same as

正在 zhèngzài: just at (that time) / right in (that place) / right in the middle of (doing sth)

长高 zhǎnggāo : grow taller

城堡 chéngbǎo : castle

非常 fēicháng : very much

壮观 zhuàngguān : gorgeous, terrific

晚饭后wǎnfàn hòu : after supper

窗外chuāng wài : outside the window

天色 tiānsè : lit. the color of the sky; time of day,

迅速 xùnsù : fast, quick

转暗zhuǎn àn : turn dark

耳边 ěr biān : lit. beside one's ear; here it indicates some sound pass through the ear

传来 chuán lái : pass over

隆隆 lóng long : imitation of the sound of thunder

雷声 léi shēng : sound of thunder

透过窗玻璃 tòu guò chuāng bō li :through the window

可以 kě yǐ : may, can

看到 kàn dao : see

雨水yǔshuǐ: rain

狂风kuángfēng: gale , squall

引导 yǐndǎo: guide, guidance

着了魔zháo le mó: be possessed; be entranced; be bewitched

一般yì bān :same as, just like

四处 sìchù :everywhere, all directions

奔跑 bēn pǎo :run

西北 xī běi : northwest

如同 rú tóng :just like

古典的 gǔ diǎn de :classic

油画 yǒu huà :oil painting

黑压压hēi yā ya: dark, black

乌云wū yún :dark clouds

几乎 jī hū : almost

覆盖 fù gài : cover

整个 zhěng gè : whole, entire

天空 tiān kōng : sky

西xī: west

沉chén: sink, set down

阳光 yáng guāng : sun shine, ray

及时 jí shí : in time

为wèi: for

它们tāmen : they , them

镶上 xiāngshàng : to inlay, to embed

金jīn: gold

边biān : edge, border

再 zài : further more;

向 xiàng :towards

东边dōng bian: in the east

望 wàng :to gaze (into the distance)

快看 kuài kàn : look, watch

一道彩虹 yídào cǎi hóng : a rainbow

正在向我问好 zhèng zài xiàng wǒ wèn hǎo : is greeting me

多么精彩的 duǒ me jīngcǎi de : such splendid

一个傍晚 yí ge bàng wǎn : a evening

Happy learning!  