Monday, June 25, 2012

生肖shēngxiào (Chinese Zodiac) ——兔 tù rabbit

This fourth animal icon in Chinese zodiac is the rabbit, 兔 tù.
The following video will show you how to read, write and use this character.

The rabbit is one of the most delicate animals among all 12 animals. Rabbits are usually kind and sweet and of course, popular people. Nobody ignores them, for they are good company and know how to make the best of themselves.
A rabbit's home is always a beautiful one cause Rabbit people are famous for their artistic sense and good taste. They are also usually well-dressed. Go check out your Rabbit friend's closet, I bet you will find many expensive and beautiful clothing there.
But even though they are popular and loved by their friends and family, rabbit people are also pessimistic. They are conservative and insecure, and that explains why most of the them don't like changes.
Calm as they are, it is not easy to provoke Rabbit people. They don't like to argue and enjoy quiet, peaceful lives. They are also sentimental and compassionate. Yes, and they cry easily too. They can be moved by personal problems you share with them. Therefore, if you work as a salesman for a living, you will have much better luck with rabbit people - Nine out of Ten Rabbit people will definitely buy your products!
Call them cautious or call them timid, rabbit people will undertake nothing before they have weighed the pros and cons from every angle. And that is probably why rabbit people are doing well in their work. And yet, unless they abandon their conservative nature, and become more aggressive, they will probably live a very normal, and average life.
They can be great partners in relationships. Romantic and sweet, faithful too, rabbit people never lack of suitors. .Male rabbits are sometimes picky, and perhaps not a family man. And female rabbits should probably spend less time admiring themselves in front of the mirror and spend more time with friends.  

Monday, June 11, 2012

生肖shēngxiào (Chinese Zodiac) ——虎 hǔ Tiger

虎 hǔ ,Tiger is the third animal in Chinese zodiac. 
The following video will tell you how to read, write this character. We will also learn a kid's song named Two Tigers in this video. 

I bet you already get the answer. Let's see whether you get it correctly:
I was born in the year of Tiger. 
Wǒ shì hǔnián shēngde
我 是 虎年 生的。
Wǒ shǔ hǔ 


          People who were born at the year of Tiger are also bestowed the personality of the wonderful creature. Tiger, the living symbol of strength and power, generally inspires fear and respect. Tigers' compelling dynamism, intense activity, independence and curiosity about others make them irresistible, persons of multiple charms; Tigers attract followers and admirers. The Tiger is courageous, active and self-assured, and makes an excellent leader and protector. However liberal-minded Tigers may be, they are passionate, rash, and resist the authority of others. Although they are selfish in the little things, they are capable of great generosity, even of altruism, in the larger. Tigers are men and women of action, thrust by destiny into the spotlight. 

           Chinese say the life of a Tiger born at night will be less hectic than that of Tigers born after dawn and above all, those born around midday. It will be a stormy life full of dangers, but the Tiger will never be bored. Neither Night Tiger nor Day Tiger will have an easy life. The Western term for a particularly fierce woman is "dragon lady," but the Chinese call her an "old tiger lady."  母老虎mǔlǎohǔ.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

生肖shēngxiào (Chinese Zodiac) —— 牛 niú (ox)

Today we are going to talk about the second animal of the Chinese zodiac. It is the ox, 牛niú in Chinese.
The following video will tell you how to read, write this character. Some basic words are also included in this video. At the end of the video there will be a short quiz to test your Chinese. ;) 
And you will find the answer below the video.

Answer to the quiz :
1. I want to buy a cup of milk?
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yì bēi niúnǎi

2. How much for the steak?
niúpái duō shǎo qián

3. You look great in the jeans.
nǐ chuān zhè tiáo niúzǎikù zhēn hǎokàn

4. I was born at the year of ox.
Wǒ shì Niúnián shēngde